What is Trailhead?

Trailhead by Salesforce

Trailhead is by far the BEST RESOURCE to prepare for the Salesforce Administrator Exam. That's no surprise because it is the training platform literally created by Salesforce, the same company that creates the exam. Therefore they are creating training material specifically to help you pass the exam and it's 100% FREE!

Trailhead is truly a fun way to learn! With truly exciting content that will teach you new skills and at the same time help you polish and expand on your existing skills! Trailhead is gamified, with practical hand-on assessments that allow you to demonstrate your skills. You are also awarded badges and points that give you tangible progress and allow you to compete with friends and co-workers! One of the best things is that Trailhead is always there for you, you can take a week off, or train 10 hours a day, it's completely up to you!

According to Salesforce:

"Trailhead is a learning experience platform—a library of educational content that you can access whenever you like. Trailhead is designed around what users need to learn, rather than around what a training department needs to teach. You can choose from various topics to learn new skills at your own pace. Salesforce continually adds content to Trailhead, so there’s always something new to learn."

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