Preparing for the Salesforce Administrator Certification Exam

Most people think that you have to spend money on Udemy, Mike Wheeler courses, Focus on Force and countless other offerings in order to pass the Salesforce Administrator Certification. The truth is, while many of these resources are valuable, they are not at all necessary. There are extremely valuable 100% free resources out there thanks to the Salesforce Ohana culture, which is always ready to give back. Below you will find a list of the best free resources to use to pass your Salesforce Administrator Exam and start your career!

In this Modules lessons we will cover the following material:

  • Trailhead - Salesforce's own completely free training platform.
  • Salesforce Certification Days Webinar - Salesforce hosted webinar you can join to refresh on content and prepare for your exam.
  • Registering to get a Free Exam Voucher from Salesforce.
  • Optional Certify CRM - This is a 3rd party company that offers training materials. Their Administrator Certification content is free and recommended.
  • Optional - Mike Wheeler's SF Admin Certification Udemy Course

In the next Module we will cover Practice Exam material:

  • Focus on Force (Free and Paid Practice Exams)
  • Salesforce's own Practice Exam (Paid)
  • Salesforce Ben Practice Exam (Free)

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